Consider a donation to LIVESTRONG to help empower those affected by cancer.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

One stroke

I have been thinking about this idea of "ONE STEP AT A TIME" for awhile now whenever I think about fitness and wellness.
My husband and I work out most everyday and our friends and family are aware of this and at times poke fun at how often we are at the gym, riding, running, training for a charity ride or triathlon, etc, but what they don't know or think, is it is an effort on our part to do this, just like it is for EVERYBODY!!

There are many days we would rather just go home after work, or on weekends sleep in and not work out, but we understand how important it is and so we push each other, and encourage others to take that first step.

Today was one of those days! My husband and I have both been fighting some kind of cold the last few days, but the weather was absolutely gorgeous this weekend and it would have been a shame NOT to go ride our bikes.
We headed to the trails for ~20miles of mountain biking on Sat, and waited to do a road ride until today when it would be a bit warmer.

I felt AWESOME on the ride on Saturday! For the first time I have my confidence back on the mountain bike. I had lost all confidence in my riding the last 12 years since I had done VERY LITTLE riding on technical trails once I moved states. I was 2nd guessing my abilities all over the trail, but FINALLY I was able to ride hard with confidence, so I was feeling strong yesterday.

Well, this morning I wasn't so full of energy, but the day was too beautiful to pass up so we headed out after lunch. By about mile 5, I was not feeling so great. The wind was BRUTAL and it felt like it was pushing me backwards. I kept pushing since we would turn at mile 10 and head toward the National Forest so I thought the wind would get better and I would be warmed up. Well, there were times the wind was blocked, but for the most part I just had to dig deep and keep going!! My legs were hurting and I wanted to quit and hitch hike home, but that was not an option. We made it back to the house before my muscles decided to cramp so all in all it was a successful ride.

We had dedicated our ride to another young LIVESTRONG supporter who just lost her battle to ovarian cancer, so as bad as my legs were feeling, it was nothing compared to what she went through in her fight and what her family is going through with her loss!

We ride for family members we have lost, and we ride for those who cannot! We believe that because we CAN LIVESTRONG, WE MUST!!!
So as long as we are able we will continue to step at a time and help as many people along the way that we can.

If you would like to sponsor our efforts, or donate to LIVESTRONG, EVERY DOLLAR is appreciated and 100% directly helps Empower those affected by cancer! 100% Tax deductible!

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